AGO PREMIUM KITCHEN    04.12.2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We have 10 free iPads with your name on one! It’s been an incredible year and a very exciting start. None of which could have                                                                                  happened without our community of clients and like-minded kitchen enthusiasts. As a special thanks and promotion, we would                                                                                    like to give our first 10 customers a free iPad. Totally free and totally yours. Our opening hours are 11am to 6pm, so feel free                                                                                    to stop by at any one of those times. It would be our honour to bring you your dream kitchen (along with an iPad!)                                                                                                       

Olga Logushova                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Phone # 647.282.3859​
@ IMPROVE Canada # 99, 106

Toronto Home Club: For those who think HOME


GALAXY DECOR - De'Corner    11.09.2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hey everyone! We having fun at De'Corner with shooting of a new Commercial VIDEO. Our previous one.                                                                                                                Alex Dymov                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Designer-decorator
Phone # 647.528.7210
@ IMPROVE Canada # 299

Copyright 2023. Toronto Home Club. All Rights Reserved

TOP HOMES​    08.30.2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hello, my name is Natalia Slobidker. I’m a professional realtor, interior designer and certified specialist of home staging.                                                                                  Further discussion will focus on the latter of those three.
Home Staging is professional preparation of real estate for sale. An entire science in the sweet spot between consumer                                                                                       psychology, interior design and mastery of the realtor art is dedicated to this. The goal of staging is to sell your real estate,                                                                                     maximizing speed of the sale and the price, with minimal amount of time, money and effort spent.
For starters, here are some statistics. In 2012, RESA (Real Estate Staging Association) inspected 89 houses which, on average,                                                                            lasted 166 days on the market, until the owners despaired and called a professional home stager. These houses were sold, on                                                                    average, 32 days after they were professionally prepared – that’s 81% less time on the market!!!
9 of them were sold with multiple offers pending.
Can you guess why? DETAILS

Natalia Slobidker
Real Estate Representative, Top Producer
Canadian Certified Staging Professioanal

Phone # 416.333.7418
Fax# 416.981.7182