Toronto Home Club: For those who think HOME

Interior Wall Designs was founded in Venice, Italy 1998. In 2010 we've expanded to Miami to bring our special wall textures and Italian finishes abroad, in the last decade our family has expanded through USA and Canada currently located in Toronto.
Our work its part of many Residential and Commercial spaces we thank our family of clients and connections who have made it all possible, we will always be grateful and loyal to those who keep our trade and traditions alive.
Presently at Interior Wall Designs we are artisans in the roman plaster technique, high-end wall coatings and decorative painting, we work side by side with clients, architects, designers, decorators, home stagers, brokers, realtors and other fellow artisans in many commercial, residential and luxury projects of all sizes and budgets.
Our wall textures application, finishes and wall renders are not only aesthetically pleasing they are also extremely functional.
Interior Wall Designs uses high quality Eco-products deliver from Italy, USA and Canada, these products are eco-friendly, waterproof, fire - retardant, mold and mildew resistant, highly breathable, air filtering, carbon dioxide and odor absorbent.

Alejandro Diaz
Phone # 416.770.6271
architectural finishes

INTERIOR WALL DESIGNS: Architectural finishes